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How to go from a business idea to reality

Updated: Nov 8, 2021

Welcome to our Excellence BELT blog section designed exclusively for our clients to provide tips for excellence and success.

Walt Disney

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

We encourage you to pursue your dreams and work together with best in class criteria and methodologies to develop a business plan with excellence to succeed.

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Almost anyone in life got's ideas that -if further developed- could become an attractive business. Sometimes, if there is not a driving force to progress with such ideas, they stay in the parking-lot for ever.

Some of the driving forces to impulse ideas into real business opportunities might be a natural gift as an entrepreneur or a compelling reason for your life.

If there is a real driving force.... one come to the second question..... how to proceed? Our first Excellence BELT Route to Excellence (ROUTExc 1) provides a guided methodology to analyze feasibility of new ideas and provide an initial business plan if likely to succeed. It includes from the idea or concept representation to the competitors and market's analysis to identify your positioning via SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) analysis. Finally, helps to prepare the vision-mission of your potential business and the economics expected vs. other investment options. It also generates a document of your business plan, that will be required for achieving financial support and other key factors of success.

When you are sure about the prospects of your idea, remaining steps will come on the way (type of business, registration process, products development, etc) and business success will be on track.



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