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BRAINSTORMING a ROUTe to Excellence (ROUTExc) to bring Creativity to your Optimization Process

Picture from Reference [1]

“ Our ROUTes to EXCellence (ROUTExc) provide roadmaps to achieve Excellence Belt Performance… In all of them, we provide useful tools that allow users to explode Creativity and Team participation. One useful methodology that provides freedom to creative ideas without any prejudge is the Brainstorming. This Excellence Belt LLC blog provides valuable information to implement successful explosion of your Company’s ideas and solutions…” [2]



Brainstorming is a creative thinking technique that was popularized by Alex F. Osborn in the 1950’s to creative solutions in response to advertising campaign briefs from clients.

He explained that not limiting the number of suggestions that could be put forward resulted in a far greater number of suggestions being made and gave the group the ability to combine and improve on initial suggestions.

Brainstorming today is used beyond the marketing area, now being widely used in all management areas. It is always interesting to know how and when to use each of these techniques to help you make a decision.

There are five of the most popular techniques used:

1. Brainstorming

One of the most common techniques used to creative new ideas is brainstorming, whether in groups or as an individual. To be effective management must encourage creativity by removing barriers that existing beliefs, procedures or operations put on creative thinking. The purpose of brainstorming is to generate as many ideas as possible and then carefully select the one or two that will enhance your organization.

2. Brainwriting 6-3-5

When faced with a specific problem, managers will find the 6-3-5 brainwriting is an excellent way to think in a creative way to fins the best solution. Each number forms a different part of the creative process.

Six (6) – people make up the creative team assigned the task of developing the ideas. A moderator aids them.

Three (3) – is the number of ideas each member presents to the rest of the creative team.

Five (5) – represents the number of minutes allocated to each stage of the process (this time can be extended for more complex problems).

3. Reverse Brainstorming

This method of brainstorming literally reverses the problem. This means that the group discusses how to resolve the opposite of the original problem. This requires that the original problem is very clearly defined and by forcing individuals to look at the problem from a completely different angle hidden issues will come to light. The improved understanding of the original problem then enables a resolution to be found.

4. Round-Robin Brainstorming

This technique of brainstorming provides a more structured format to a creative session. The problem to resolve is clearly and concisely defined and the people are asked to write an idea on the piece of paper in front of them and pass it to the person on their right. This process is repeated for the defined number of rounds. Individuals can use the idea(s) on each sheet to inspire them if they wish. Round-robin brainstorming ensures every voice is heard and is especially useful in groups that consist of a wide variety of personalities and cultural behaviors.

5. Rolestorming

This tool combines the methods of role playing and brainstorming. This technique assigns a role or person to each member of the team, which indicates how they will think and act during the brainstorming session. The roles to be used in each session will vary according to the problem to be addressed. The essential part of this technique is that no one plays themselves, enabling them to appreciate the problem from a totally different perspective.

Whether you work in a multinational corporation or a small organization, a good understanding of how the various brainstorming techniques work is invaluable part of decision-making.

As it is a very broad topic, we will concentrate a little more on one of these techniques.


Brainstorming is one of the fundamental building blocks of creativity. If you have ever been asked to come up with a collection of creative new ideas – whether in the school or work environment – you have probably used some form of brainstorming as part of your process.

While you have probably brainstormed at least once or twice in the past, it is always helpful to review the techniques that you are going to rely on to be productive in business. By taking a closer look at how you can brainstorm effectively, you just may be able to get more out of this process moving forward. It Starts with Freedom.

One of the first things to understand is the fact that it is one of the most open and free tools of creativity that you can useThe whole point of the process is to think of as many new, innovative ideas as possible.

At the beginning, you are going to keep your mind as open as possible while to collect a variety of potentially ideas. Then, brainstorming will requires an open and non-judgemental environment, and key aspect of creative tIt is often difficult to get creativity flowing freely within an established organization because staff members are often reluctant to pose new ideas that may be seen as unrealistic. This is why it is important to create a brainstorming environment that is supportive and encouraging. Is good to allow all participants to use their creativity as fully as possible.

Usually most of the ideas shared during brainstorming do not get used. What you are looking for is one or two bright ideas that can change the business, and those ideas will only be revealed when brainstorming is used correctly.

An Individual and Group Method

The tools can usually into one of two categories: individual tools and group tools. However, when talking about brainstorming, this method can actually be used both by individuals and by groups. In fact, there are some benefits to brainstorming alone, and there are other to be reached when you bring a group into the ecuation.

Some of the benefits of individual brainstorming are:

Ultimate freedom: Even when all members of a group are instructed to be as supportive as possible, there is still bound to be some judgment and criticism within the process. That won’t be create as many ideas as posible, not to be limited by practicalities, most ideas will not be developed.

Focus: Rather than being distracted by the conversation and activity of the group as a whole, you can focus in on the task at hand when you brainstorm on an individual basis.

Leverage your experience: If you have detailed experience with a specific problem that needs to be solved, it may be best to brainstorm solutions to that problem all on your own. After all, you have the experience and knowledge necessary, so it should be just a matter of time until you find a proper solution.

Variety of backgrounds: When brainstorming as a group, you will have access to the various experiences of all members of the group, so you will be more likely to stumble on a quality idea or solution. The group may find an idea that may have been missed by an individual brainstorming on their own.

Promote teamwork: Every organization can benefit from bringing its team together to work toward a common goal. By having a productive team brainstorming session from time to time, you will be able to build morale and allow everyone to feel like they are having input in the process.

Deeper solutions: Once someone within the group brainstorming session comes across a good idea, others in the group may be able to expand on the idea in order to come up with a thorough, complex answer to the problem at hand.

Brainstorming means a form of creativity that places an emphasis on freedom, but you still need to have some basic structure in place for your sessions. But, that structure is going to come in the way of a problem. By clearly defining the problem that you are trying to solve, you should be able to keep your brainstorming process moving in the right direction. This is important whether you are brainstorming as an individual or in a group setting.

Make sure you capitalize on the great ideas that have come from your brainstorming time, but it is important that you have other tools in place and ready to go. Tools that are focused on helping you take action on all of your great ideas are necessary at this point. Be ready to go with those next creates the ideas, that need evaluating and selected one(s) actioning.

It is extremely simple to get started with a brainstorming session of your own, which is why this is one of the best creativity tools available to groups and organizations.

In summary:

• Brainstorming is one of the fundamental blocks of creativity and most people will have used it when trying to come up with new ideas.

• Even if you have used it before, it is such a powerful tool that it is worth taking the time to see if you could improve the way you approach it in the future.

• The most important thing is to create a brainstorming environment that is supportive and encouraging because you want to allow all participants to use their creativity as fully as possible.

• Brainstorming a form of creativity that places an emphasis on freedom, but you still need to have some basic structure in place for your brainstorming sessions.

• The key is to have asked the right question or to have posed the problem in a way that at least some of the results of the brainstorming session are usable. [3]


1. Pinterest – Image of Leader brainstorming using a blackboard by Felix about business, innovation, creativity, creative, and research 1213759, by Rowpixel, 2022

2. Milagros Newski - “ROUTExc 1: Excellence Belt – Business Planning Training”. Prepared by Excellence Belt LLC, 2021.

3. Top 5 Brainstorming Techniques – Paul Newton – Free Management Ebooks (2016)



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